Don't have a BaliCard yet? Save on your Bali Adventure and get yours Today

The Benefit

10% Discount on Food & Beverage

Not available during happy hour, and cannot be combined with other discounts.

The Experience

Experience the Essence of Flavor at Kisah Rempah Restaurant. Immerse Yourself in a Culinary Journey Infused with Authentic Indonesian Spices, Rich Aromas, and Unforgettable Tastes. Delight in a Tapestry of Rempah (Spices), Crafted into Delectable Dishes that Reflect the Vibrant Heritage of Indonesian Cuisine. Kisah Rempah Invites You to Savor Tradition, Culture, and Gastronomic Excellence, Creating a Dining Experience that Awakens Your Senses and Leaves You with Stories of Spice to Share.

More Info

Kisah Rempah

Booking & Location

Reservation & Claiming the Discount

Reserve your table via WhatsApp or come directly (walk-in) and inform the staff you are a BaliCard holder to receive the discount.

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