Pusering Jagat Temple is located in Pejeng village – Gianyar, about an hour drive from Bali airport to the north near Ubud. Ancient Balinese believed this temple to be the centre of the universe, as the name of the temple is pretty descriptive, meaning “the centre of the universe” in Bali language. In Hindu cosmology, the centre or middle position is the authority (residence) of Lord Shiva.
In this temple, we can find several statues related to Shiva, such as statues of Ganesha (son of Shiva), Durga (Sakti Shiva), as well as statues of Bhairawa. There are also statues in the form of male (purusa) and female (pradana) genitals. In Hinduism, Purusa and Pradana are God’s first creations. Purusa is commonly considered as the spiritual seeds, and Pradana are the material seeds. The unity of Purusa and Pradana will produce life and harmony.