Bali Covid-19 Update: The Third Batch of Vaccines Arrived, Hospital Beds are Running Low, Police Targets Businesses Violating Health Protocols
13 January 2021
More Vaccines Arrived in Indonesia, Directly From Beijing
Good news, Indonesia Food and Drug Administration (POM) issued an Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) approval for Sinovac Vaccine and Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI) also has released a halal certification for the vaccine on Monday (11/1). The third batch of Sinovac vaccines arrived at Soekarno-Hatta International Airport in West Java at 12:20 pm. So in total, 15 million doses of vaccine raw material has arrived in Indonesia.
The Head of Covid-19 Task Force Doni Monardo was very grateful that the government could bring-in more vaccines. Still, everyone is advised to adhere Covid guidelines. “As the President always said, vaccination must be followed with discipline on obeying health protocol: always wear a mask in public areas, keep your social distance safe, and wash your hands with soap regularly. ” People are expected to be more cautious and obedient to the regulations set by the government, as the numbers of active cases in Indonesia have more than doubled in the past two and a half months.
In Bali, distribution for the vaccines started yesterday, Denpasar received 24.280 vials, Gianyar 8,480 vials and Badung 11,080 vials.
According to the recommendation issued by the Ministry of Health, the target population for vaccine are people within 18-59 years old. Those who have been confirmed positive Covid-19 will not receive the vaccine, as antibodies have been formed in their bodies.
The numbers of Hospital Beds and Isolation Rooms are Running Low
Some of the appointed hospitals in Regions like Jembrana reported high occupancy rates for beds and isolation rooms. At the moment, the hospital has attempted to increase capacity by utilizing other rooms temporarily.
The latest Covid-19 statistic in Bali per Tuesday (12/1), 350 new infections in Bali (highest record), making total cases on 19.987. New recoveries at 136, in total 17.606 with six recent death was reported, in total 573.
Meanwhile, in the country, there were 10.047 new cases, making total cases to 846.765. Recent recoveries at 7.068, in total 695.807. New fatalities at 302, in total 24.645.
Cafes and Restaurants in Benoa were Forced to Close According to Social Restriction (PPKM) Regulations
Bali started another social restriction program on Monday, 11 January 2021. One of the regulation points is to limit the operational hours for restaurants and cafes between 9:00 – 21:00.
However, Civil-Service Police on duty still found several cafes in South Kuta area operating beyond the suggested working hours. The authority advised them to close the business immediately, and if they are caught for doing the same violations fine will be given.
Public places like Renon and Puputan square in Denpasar have also been barricaded with bamboo fence, so locals and residents nearby who normally jogging every morning and afternoon can no longer do any activities on those fields. Some polices were spotted stand-by on location to dismiss anyone coming near Bajhra Sandhi and Puputan monument. These regulations valid until 25 January or further notice.
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