Again, No Ogoh-Ogoh Parade this Nyepi 2021, Other Ceremonies Allowed with Strict Protocols
20 January 2021
As a part of the tradition, during every Nyepi eve Balinese always do Ogoh-Ogoh parade. Unfortunately, as the numbers of Covid-19 cases in Bali are still high, the parade will be negated just like last year. Other religious activities may still be allowed with strict health protocols.
Nyepi is the biggest religious event in Bali; during this day all the people on the island must stay at home for a whole day. Balinese will do fasting, meditation and praying to God; hoping the upcoming new year will be better. There is no activity at all; even Bali Airport is closed. Houses, hotels and villas are not allowed to turn on the lights. The night before the silence day, hundreds of people will carry ogoh-ogoh (monstrous statues in the form of demons) before it’s burned down to symbolize demolishing the evil nature of humans. Read more about Nyepi here.
Hindu organization assembly (PHDI) and Local Traditional Village Assembly (MDA) issued a circular letter on how Bali will celebrate the Saka New Year 1943 and ceremonies three Holy Days of Silence (2021). Other series of rituals such as Melasti, Tawur, Pangrupukan to be carried out with several conditions:
- Number of participants taking part in the procession are limited to 50 people
- The priest or person in charge must sanitize all of the ceremonial equipments regularly during the series of rituals
- Fireworks and firecrackers are prohibited during three days of Nyepi
- For those who are sick or feel unwell are not allowed to join in ceremonies
- All committees and participants must follow strict health protocols
Bali’s latest Covid-19 statistic per Tuesday (19/1), 247 new infections in Bali, making total cases on 21.929. Recent recoveries at 227, in total 18.933 with six recent death was reported, in total 601. In Indonesia, there were 10.365 new cases, pushed down the total infections to 927.380, with 26.590 total deaths and 753.948 recoveries.
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