Bali Covid-19 Update: More Vaccines Arrived, New Governor Circular Letter and Violations of Health Protocols by Foreigners
11 January 2020
Covid-19 statistic in Bali and Indonesia keeps showing new records of daily cases within the last two weeks. There were more than 9640 new cases and 182 deaths in the country were reported yesterday.
Although the new Corona Virus variant from the UK has not been detected in Indonesia, many researchers believe it only because Indonesia still has a limited capacity to check for virus mutations so its existence cannot be confirmed. Meanwhile, Indonesia’s neighbouring countries, Singapore, have detected this variant, also other Asian countries such as Hong Kong, South Korea and Japan.
Practising social distancing, wearing a mask, and regularly washing hands with soap or hand sanitiser are still the best preventives we can do to protect ourselves from getting contracted by the coronavirus.
Bali Governor Circular Letter, Surat Edaran (SE) Nomor 01 Tahun 2021
Responding to the plan of Social Restriction (PSBB) in Java and Bali issued by the Central Government; Bali Governor, Wayan Koster has published another Circular Letter to manage community activities, travel requirements and other regulations specifically for Bali.
Here are the essential points of the new regulations:
- Domestic travellers coming from other islands must show a negative results of the PCR-based swab test no later than 2 x 24 hours before departure, or Rapid Antigen Test no later than 1 x 24 hours before departure.
- The Covid test certificate will last for 14 days, and while in Bali, the travellers must own a valid certificate.
- Kids below 12 years old are not required to get Covid test
- Everyone must fill out personal data in E-HAC application
- Everyone must follow the health protocols strictly:
- Mask must be worn properly, covering nose, mouth and chin
- Wash hand with soap or using hand sanitiser regularly
- Keep a social distancing
- No group gathering
- No activities on public facilities
- For residents and visitors in Denpasar and Badung Regions, there will be extra measures (PPKM) applied between today, 11 to 25 January 2021.
More Vaccines Arrived in Bali
Bali received the second batch of 20.000 packages Covid-19 vaccine made by Sinovac on Thursday (7/1). In total, Bali has received 51,000 vaccines of Covid-19 this month.
Bali’s Provincial Government targets 2.696 million people to receive the COVID-19 vaccine; especially those who work in front lines, such as health workers, national police and army, etc. However, vaccines that have been received and ready to be distributed are only for Bali ID holders (KTP Bali), so not everyone on the island will likely receive this free vaccine. Those who are qualified will be informed through SMS, regarding when and where the vaccination will be done.
Hundred of Foreign Nationals Caught on Health Protocol Raids
Bali authority has received many complaints on how many expatriates or ‘bule’ behaving in Canggu and Pererenan during this pandemic situation. According to Badung Police Station, 150 people were fined for not complying the health protocols during the police operations from September (7/20) to January (6/21).
The head of Badung Public Civil Service, I Gusti Agung Ketut Suryanegara explained that foreigners mostly do the violations. “Around 80%, 120 of the 150 people who were caught during our operation were foreigners,” said Suryanegara (7/1).
The police have contacted the Immigration Office, then follow-up to the Embassies so they can warn their citizens to comply with protocols during their stay in Bali.
Bali Governor, Wayan Koster decided to take firmer action by urging cafes, restaurants, and shop to deny the entry of people who refuse to abide by protocols. Besides, officials may also increase fines to foreigners who violate the health protocols.
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