Covid-19 Update: Java and Bali Imposes Micro-Scale Social Restriction from 9 to 22 February 2021
8 February 2021
After almost a month implementing the Social Restriction (PPKM) in Java and Bali, the Government enforces new regulation Micro-Scale Social Restriction to mitigate coronavirus spread in the country. The Minister of Home Affairs, Tito Karnavian issued the Instruction of the Minister of Home Affairs (Inmendagri) Number 3 of 2021, which regulates Covid-19 Management Post’s establishment at the village and other small clusters or areas.
The enforcement of Social Restriction (PPKM) in Java and Bali is officially ended per today 8 February 2021. However, President Jokowi said that PPKM had not been effective in reducing the transmission rate of Covid-19, as the number of daily new infections still high within the last couple of weeks.
Every village classified as high-risk areas will establish a temporary office, with a team in charge of accompanying Local Health Facilities (Puskesmas) in tracking, and ensuring that those exposed with the virus must be isolated or quarantined for 14 days in a designated place.
Before, people who contracted with Covid-19 but not showing any symptoms (OTG – orang tanpa gejala) can undergo an independent isolation in their home/ place, but now they must be treated in hospital until verified to be completely healed.
Here are other points managed on Micro-Scale Social Restriction:
- Working activity at the office is now allowed to reach 50% capacity of the building. Previously, there were only 25% of capacity permitted.
- School activities continue to be done online.
- Shopping centres, restaurants and shops are allowed to open until 21:00 local time, with maximum capacity 50%. Before were only until 20:00, with 25% of total capacity.
- The capacity of places of worship is limited to a maximum of 50%.
- Construction activities are allowed to operate 100% with strict health protocols.
Latest Covid-19 statistic per Sunday (7/2), 381 new infections in Bali, made total cases 28.429. Recent recoveries at 379, in total 24.541 with nine recent death was reported, in total 740. While in Indonesia, there were 10.827 new cases, pushed down the total infections to 1.157.837 with 31.556 total deaths and 949.990 recoveries.
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