International Travel Restriction to Bali – Indonesia is Extended to 28 January
12 January 2020
To prevent the spread of the new variant of Covid-19 discovered in the UK last month; the central government has put all international flights to Indonesia on hold for the first two weeks on January 2021.
After considering the country’s current situation with many spikes of new daily cases in several regions, yesterday (11/1), the authority decided to extend the travel restriction for another two weeks.
“The government has increased restrictions on community activities between 11 to 25 January, but before that, the President agreed to extend the prohibition of foreigners entering Indonesia. So now it is extended for another 14 more days (until 28 January),” said the Chairman of the Committee for Handling Covid-19 and National Economic Recovery Airlangga Hartarto during a press conference in Jakarta (11/1).
Meanwhile, the prediction of an increase in Covid-19 cases two weeks after Christmas and New Year seems to be starting to occur in Bali. It can be seen from the spike in new cases on Monday (11/1). There were 253 new infections in Bali (highest record), making total cases on 19.627. New recoveries at 162, in total 17.470 with four recent death was reported, in total 567.
Bali authority has ensured will go firmer to enforce the implementation of health protocols, especially during the social restriction (PPKM) between 11 to 25 January 2021. Police will stand-by on many points all over the island for doing mask-check everyday between 09:00 – 11:00 and 21:00 – 23:00 Bali time. Together with civil-service police (Polisi Pamong Praja) and national army (TNI), all health protocols violations will be penalized according to the current regulations.
The plans on vaccination in Bali, and generally Indonesia have caused many pro and cons online. But Bali government has reminded that people who refuse Covid-19 vaccination can be sentenced to one-year imprisonment and fined IDR one-hundred million. This regulation is managed in National Law Number 6 of 2018 concerning Health Quarantine.
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